One of the features of workplace space is the presence and activities of
toxic bosses. A toxic boss is a danger not only to the health of the staff but also to the health of the business. In addition to this, they destroy employee’s self-confidence and abilities.
Some of these bosses are toxic by nature while some may be involuntarily toxic.
Whatever the reason for the toxicity, there are common features of toxic bosses that will enable you to identify and recognize one whenever you come across them.
Here are 10 factors that make you a toxic boss.
1. Toxic boss overworks their employees.
Toxic bosses have a habit of overloading their employees with impossible tasks and unrealistic deadlines. This they do by constantly changing the details and schedules of the task. They send emails to an employee as a reminder of the outstanding tasks, but each email reminder contains new inclusions that were not part of the initial task. The employee is also expected to complete jobs that should ordinarily be assigned to more persons. On the document, they had job descriptions, but in reality, an employee is expected to fit many roles at the same time.
2. They don’t give recognition or reward to their employees.
Toxic bosses are like glamour girls. They love the limelight and hate sharing it with others. Because of this, they don’t give due recognition to employee’s efforts. Rather they justify their action on the mantra, “efforts are not rewarded, only results are”. Where the employee can make some accomplishments, the toxic boss will take the glory. They view any form of acknowledgment of subordinates’ accomplishments as self-defeatist.
3. They don’t care about their employees
Toxic bosses operate by the books. They don’t want to know why you came late; you lose half a day’s pay. Likewise, they don’t believe you went to see your doctor the day before unless you provide a medical report. An employee cannot take a day off due to fatigue unless he is prepared to lose three days’ pay. Salaries are very low and unpredictable and no other benefits such as leave allowance, medical, training, etc. Above all, there is no job security.
4. They never honor their commitments
Toxic bosses are good at making promises but very poor at keeping them. They claim that they have integrity, but their integrity is only limited to doing what is in their favor and never in the favor of the employee. Furthermore, they don’t follow the terms of engagement because there will always be clauses that will make it possible for them to not honor the terms.
5. They never develop their employee’s skills
Toxic bosses never recommend or sponsor employees for skill development training. They castigate employees for not being skillful, but they never sponsor such for skill development training. Yet not investing in their people is a common
mistake of many business people.
6. The lack empathy
Not only are toxic bosses uncaring, but they also lack empathy. They are unconcerned about whatever an employee may be going through emotionally or financially. They expect you to show up for work no matter what is going on, whether there is a riot or unrest, strike or holidays.
7. Toxic bosses are micromanagers
Toxic bosses love to micromanage employees. They love to be in complete control over every area of the business. Likewise, they find it difficult to trust and to let go. Even when tasks are assigned and functions delegated, they call for regular updating that reduces the employee to an errand boy no matter his position in the organization. Toxic bosses are so involved in micromanaging that no staff is off limit, including utility staff such as drivers, cleaners, security guards, who are under their direct supervision. They can also be very irrationally finicky.
8. They are manipulative
Toxic bosses are very manipulative. They are good at turning one staff against another and vendors against staff. Before clients, they are quick to blame employees and portray them as the problem of the organization. Toxic bosses discourage any form of bonding between employees within the organization.
9. They set unrealistic expectations
Possibly because of their phobia for subordinate’s success, toxic bosses set unrealistic expectations for employees. Salaries are based on criteria set by them and computed by scores attached to tasks and assignments. In this way, employees will never receive 100% of the agreed salary.
10. Promote their opinion while downplaying others’
Toxic bosses always want to be the ones in the spotlight. In any conversation, they speak more than they want to listen, hardly allowing others to have a say. They dominate discussions were peers while shutting down subordinates.
In some cases, employees are punished for expressing their opinions or such opinions are simply ignored.
Toxic bosses are a danger to staff and the organization they represent. They create an unfriendly and
hostile working environment. Unfortunately, no one is brave enough to let a toxic boss know that he is toxic, therefore, the company suffers a high rate of staff turnover, stunted growth, lack of continuity and succession plan which will lead to the death of the organization.
Are you a boss? Checklist yourself against all the above points to see if you are a toxic one.